When Unemployed…Eat Egg Salad

When your income is constricted to a trickle, you begin to prioritize expenses and spending. However, I'll admit to a period of denial; I continued to UBER Eat my way through my last month of employment. But you know what? I don't regret it- the Chicken Shawarma from Mediterranean Kitchen and the B'Bop bowl from O'Bop are two of my favorite meals. But now it is time to focus on the food of the unemployed. Eggs. Cheap and plentiful, eggs are an extremely versatile ingredient that lends itself well to food prep and freezer meals. Also, my roommate eats mostly keto, so this is something we can both enjoy (not that I have a problem with eating keto food- I just also like bread & money). So, here I was…
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paradigm shift

Life is weird. You can be boppin' along, day after day, working, cooking, knitting (oh, that's just me?), getting together with friends and family and then - BAM! Life changes. It's happened to me a few times over the years and, you guessed it, it just happened again. But this time, I've been in a really weird headspace. This particular BAM! came about when I was one of two staff at the church I attend who was laid off in July. I've been unemployed before, twice, years ago. I know what emotions I'm supposed to be feeling right now: fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc. etc. in varying amounts and at random times. But all I can claim is a truly inexplicable peace and a sense of hope and adventure coming…
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